All MRLC Committee positions have a tenure of one year, and are declared vacant at the start of the Annual General Meeting. A new Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting. Retiring Committee members may nominate for re-election and, if elected, occupy a Committee position. Any current member of MRLC may also nominate or be nominated for a position on the Committee, and if elected occupy a Committee position. Nominations must be received before the AGM starts.
Within the Committee there are specific roles. Aspects of some Committee roles are defined by the MRLC Constitution – these are highlighted in bold below. Other aspects are determined by the Committee and usually based upon convention or precedent.
The Committee has two tiers.
The Executive Committee members (comprising President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) each have specific roles and are responsible for leading the management of the Organization. While Executive Committee members retain responsibility for their roles, aspects of these specific roles may be delegated by mutual agreement.
All Committee members, including non-executive Committee members, participate in decision making at Committee meetings and may take on various specific tasks as agreed by the Committee.
Executive Roles
• Responsible for Chairing both General and Committee meetings
• Represents the Association at official functions
• Signs official papers on behalf of the Association
• Participates actively in Executive Committee and Committee discussions
• Provides leadership to the Association
Vice- President:
• Responsible for Chairing General meetings in the absence of the President
• Participates actively in Executive Committee and Committee discussions
• Provides support as appropriate to other Executive Committee members
• Responsible for keeping minutes of meetings of the Association
• Responsible for ensuring the AGM is advertised appropriately
• Participates actively in Executive Committee and Committee discussions
• Responsible for receiving inward correspondence to the Association, and distributing as appropriate to Executive, and /or Committee and/or Members
• Responsible for recording outward correspondence of the Association
• Responsible for reporting inward and outward correspondence to the Committee at each meeting
• Maintains all general records, accounting books, and records of receipt and expenditure connected with the operations and business of the Association in such form and manner as the Committee may direct
• Ensures that all moneys received by the Association are deposited into an account or accounts operated by the Association
• At least annually provides to the Auditor a list of all the accounts, books and records of the Association
• Participates actively in Executive Committee and Committee discussions
• Provides reports on activity and status of finances to each Committee meeting
General Committee members (at least three in addition to Executive Committee members):
• Participate in decision making at Committee meetings (usually monthly or bi-monthly)
• Committee members may take on other roles and responsibilities as mutually agreed
The following roles may be filled by Committee members, members or non-members :
Public Officer
An Incorported Association (such as MRLC) must have a Public Officer
Is the official point of contact for the Association
Responsible for communication with the Corporations Office on behalf of the Association, including lodgement of annual reports
Provides advice to the Association on Constitutional matters
Membership Coordinator (full position description available on request)
Responsible for management of all issues relating to membership of the Association, including accepting and processing membership applications, and maintaining a list of members and mailing lists for members
Web Page Coordinator
Responsible for managing the Group’s web page
Responsible for providing reports on the status of the web page to the Committee
Social Media Coordinator
Responsible for managing the Group’s Social Media platforms
Responsible for reporting to the Committee re Social Media
The MRLC Committee can also appoint Sub-Committees to provide focus on, and better manage, MRLC's diverse range of projects.
Sub-Committee Roles and Responsibilities [view PDF]