MRLC warmly welcomes new members. Membership is open to all, and there is a range of membership categories.
Whether you want to support the Group from afar, or are a local person keen and able to actively participate in the Group's activities, becoming a member will keep you in touch via regular email updates on all that's happening.
There is a small cost to membership. All payments are used exclusively to support priority actions for our entirely voluntary group.
A membership lasts for the financial year, members will be sent renewal reminders in July each year.
Please feel free to browse our Constitution and various Policies and Procedures.
To become a member of Mount Roland Land Care:
1. Click on the membership category below that fits your circumstances, then complete and submit the short form.
2. Pay using one of the methods below.
Family: $15 (members of a family living at the same address)
Individual Young Person: $2 (under 18 years old)
Payment options:
Pay now with a debit or credit card
by eft to Bendigo Bank: BSB: 633 000 Acc. No: 147 186 001 (Please be sure to include your name as reference)
by cheque to MRLC, PO Box 209, SHEFFIELD 7306
by cash at one of our events, or before the start of the AGM
Once you have submitted the form and made a payment, you will receive an email confirming your membership and welcoming you to Mount Roland Land Care.
If you require a receipt, or a Tax Invoice (membership fees include GST), then please let us know and the paperwork will be provided to you.